Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Memo to the Demo's: Time to bring the heat

Interesting post at

All over Washington, the sage barons of the establishment media are warning Democrats not to get cocky. Don’t move too fast, they say. Don’t push a bunch of wacky, left-wing ideas. Seek compromise, give ground, hew to the center, for only there lies the greatest prize of all: the praise of David Broder and Joe Klein, the nodding approval of the Washington Post editorial page, the admiration the Beltway cognoscenti reserve for those who know their place and know whose rings they should be kissing.

Bull. What Democrats need to do is spend the next two years crushing their opponents like bugs. It’s not about mercy, it’s not about manners, it’s about three fundamental goals: limiting the damage the Bush administration can do, passing whatever legislation they can in the short term to help the American public and laying the foundation for future progressive victories.

I'm not sure I completely buy this game plan, but I like the spirit. We didn't vote last fall to send Democrats to Washington to be compliant partners for the Worst President Ever. No, that's what we voted against. What we voted for was Democrats to go in there, kick some ass, provide oversight and demand accountability.


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