Could someone who is articulate...
...please write the defining post on this so we can let it go? I can't do it. I start and then I get so mad I sound like a lunatic. The stupidity of the allegation in the first place is enough to make my eyes go crossed, but to have to try and outline why?
It's more than I can bear. I am not kidding -- I have broken out into hives trying.
So I plead, someone, someone more articulate than I, please take me up on this assignment.
* * * *
Post: The Clenis
Resolve: President Clinton's penis (heretofore referred to as "The Clenis") has nothing to do with 9/11, nor our subsequent "war on terror," nor our war in Iraq.
It's more than I can bear. I am not kidding -- I have broken out into hives trying.
So I plead, someone, someone more articulate than I, please take me up on this assignment.
* * * *
Post: The Clenis
Resolve: President Clinton's penis (heretofore referred to as "The Clenis") has nothing to do with 9/11, nor our subsequent "war on terror," nor our war in Iraq.
- The amount of time and resources it took for Clinton to get with Monica.
(See: shooting fish in a barrel) - The amount of time and resources it took trying to find anything to pin on Clinton.
(See post below re: Christmas Cards, Abu Ghraib) - Defining moral relativism.
(See: marital infidelity, fabricating evidence to support pre-emptive invasion of a sovereign nation) - Clinton's report for the Bush Administration outlining the threat posed by al Quada.
(See: possible attack re: US Airline) - Creative logic: Sadaam = bad guy. al Quada = bad guys. Sadaam = al Quada.
(See: "close enough") - The US should/shouldn't take out dictators because they are bad guys.
(See: North Korea) - What about if there's evidence (however false) that they have threatened us directly? (Ignore: North Korea)
- Civil wars: to intervene or not to intervene?
(See: Vietnam) - Spouting phrases one learns from Fox news and ABC Specials as fact.
(See: anonymous)
"The amount of time and resources it took for Clinton to get with Monica."
Lots. You see, Wild Bill didn't just hump Monica. He wasted weeks, months, and years trying to hump and successfully humping scores of what he eloquently refers to as coquettes. We just didn't get to hear the juicy details. Ah well.
"The amount of time and resources it took trying to find anything to pin on Clinton."
Lots. What a shame we elected (and oh God, re-elected) the world's most dangerous prevaricator, WJC.
"Defining moral relativism."
The only thing preemptively invaded was Monica's mouth by one Slick Willie.
"Clinton's report for the Bush Administration outlining the threat posed by al Quada."
WTC 93 and the USS Cole. No report should have been necessary if Bill had kept his pants on for more than 5 minutes.
"Creative logic: Sadaam = bad guy. al Quada = bad guys. Sadaam = al Quada."
No. See, the world has more than one bad guy. It is entirely possible that Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein are both bad guys. Kapeish?
"The US should/shouldn't take out dictators because they are bad guys."
Phew, good thing we took out Hitler. Right?
"What about if there's evidence (however false) that they have threatened us directly?"
Yes, it was false evidence. However, removing Hussein was for the good of Iraq and for the world. The aftermath is where this adminstration is fucking up.
"Civil wars: to intervene or not to intervene?"
Let Bill and Hillary work out their differences in private.
"Spouting phrases one learns from Fox news and ABC Specials as fact."
NO television "journalism" states the facts. This includes, Fox, CNN, and all the others. You should know that by now.
do you have a handbook or what?
I'm sort of wondering why anyone is still harping on Clinton's affair, unless it's a sad attempt to deflect attention away from all the actual important-like events in the world that are taking place, um, now, as in, like almost ten years after the sex scandal that the world still laughs at us for caring about in the first place.
This anonymous poster's comments read like a talking points memo smuggled out from under Bill O'Reilly's loofa stash. Yawn. Not worth responding to.
Mom101, you mean Bill O's falafel stash?
(Or is it his falafel 'stache?)
Is that German for capisci (aka 'capiche')?
But at any rate, no I don't think I quite understand the point of this post or response.
I do think it's strange the preoccupation both sides seem to have in comparing bush and clinton.
Nate - For reference, this is in response to the comment anon left @ the Mission Accomplished post.
I think it's absurd to compare what's going on now with Clinton, to suggest it has anything to do with him, etc.
I am jaw-droppingly amazed (and baited, apparently) when the Monica Lewinsky "scandal" gets brought up by Bush supporters at ALL, let alone as something that's supposed to be RELEVANT.
Thus, I poke (heh) fun at the right's obsession with Clinton's sexuality; it's ASTOUNDING.
OK, let's keep things really simple and factual for everyone. The following significant terrorist attacks occured while Bill Clinton was President of the United States:
World Trade Center in New York, USA, attacked by a massive bomb planted by Islamic terrorists.
Islamic radical terrorists opposed to the western military presence in the Gulf region, explode a truck bomb next to a USAF housing area at Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, killing 19 American servicemen and 385 injuring more.
US Embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar-es-Salem, Tanzania, heavily damaged by massive bomb attacks. US intelligence blames Islamic groups linked to Saudi dissident Osama Bin Laden.
In Aden, Yemen, a small dingy carrying explosives rammed the destroyer U.S.S. Cole, killing 17 sailors and injuring 39 others. Supporters of Usama Bin Ladin were suspected.
And what exactly was Bill Clinton doing while these things were going on? Thinking with the wrong head, that's what.
Those events didn't happen because Clinton was sexually active.
Your obsession with Clinton's sexuality is perhaps something you should look into.
Let's Compare Bush's list (don't need dates, we're all aware of when these happened)
-Failed war in Afghanistan
-The Katrina Response
-Failing War in Iraq (Gates said we AREN'T winning)
-North Korea setting off a Nuke
I think I'll take a guy who missed something because he was getting a BJ over an idiot who fucks up with all the information in front of him.
By the way - I don't actually believe it is all one man's fault. Bush doesn't operate in a vaccuum, and neither did Clinton. There is a lot of nuance that is being missed by the fact that the first anon is blaming it all on Clinton, and similarly if we blame everything since 2001 on Bush alone.
Complicity goes all around, in both cases.
I don't believe Clinton was incompetent or inept on the whole.
Your assertion - that Clinton's failings as president were caused by his "thinking with the wrong head," as you put it - is not supported by the facts you cite.
"had he not devoted so much time and energy to dropping his pants in the oval office"
How much time was that, exactly? He didn't even have to drop his pants. I'm thinking, 20 minutes, tops.
"I'm thinking, 20 minutes, tops."
What's to say he wasn't actually on the phone to other world leaders while it was happening?
any reasonable person would agree that 9/11 has it's roots in the preceding 4 or 5 administrations. the inference that blame can be boiled down to "it's clinton's fault" is just as ridiculous as blaming 9/11 entirely on bush because he was in office at the time. the debate itself is a race to the intellectual bottom of name calling and pointing fingers.
now, that said, it's patently ridiculous to say clinton wasn't doing anything about terrorism. he actually bombed afghanistan and took heat from the right that he was doing so just to make people ignore the monica scandal. he also did alot of other things from diplomacy initiatives, to military actions and containment strategies. i'm not arguing he did everything right or that he shouldn't have done things differently (by all accounts the move away from human-asset intelligence didn't work tremendously well), but to say he didn't do anything is just spouting off right wing diatribe.
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