Saturday, December 16, 2006

Domestic terrorism

Without doing any research on crime stats, it seems to me that mass murder/suicides in the US are becoming more and more prevelant. It seems there's a new one every couple weeks (there was just another one in KC). It seems to me that the size and scope of these attacks are in line with the size and scope of many, if not most, suicide bombings and similar terrorist attacks in other countries. In detailing such crimes in the US however, the words domestic terrorism never come up.

While I will be the first to admit that this might be simple antecdotally derived bullshit, as it may simply be that these types of events are getting more coverage or that they're on the decline and I'm just noticing more, I find the difference between the analysis of the two types of events to be very interesting (for lack of better words, all due respect and condolences to the victims and families).

Yes, there are clear differences regarding motivation and political context. But I find it curious that many seem to fall over themselves to offer platitudes about "the war on terror" but no one seems to give a damn that domestic mass murder, if not terrorism, is increasing. I'm alot more worried about friends and family getting killed in such an act of domestic violence than of the threat of foriegn terrorists (and I lost two acquaintances on September 11th, so don't think I take that risk lightly). But Hillary and Joe are probably right, it's all the video gaming industry's fault.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

defintely the fault of the gaming industry. runner ups include guns, drugs, and anger. lieberman/gore in 08!

8:58 PM  
Blogger cuznate said...

i blame david hasselhoff and malibu stacy

12:54 PM  

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