Thursday, January 25, 2007

Glenn Greenwald:
[I]t is now the solemn duty of every patriotic American, especially those in Congress, to refrain from voicing any objections to the decision made by the Leader and the General. We must merely ask ourselves only one question: how can we lend the greatest support possible to our Leader's glorious plans? Everything else should be cleared away quietly and peacefully from our minds.

Dick Cheney has helpfully warned us that the real problem, the real threat is not the brutal sectarian violence, into the middle of which our president wants to send 21,000 American men and women, fathers and mothers, daughters and sons. No.

The real threat is that a debate of the strategy might validate the terrorists' strategy, and make them think we don't have the stomach for the fight.

Ah, of course. I am sure that terrorists are watching "Hardball" and saying, "See? It's working!" Quick, flip over to the "Situation Room!"

One of Glenn's commenters retrieves a wonderful quote from Teddy Roosevelt:

To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

once again, i ask the dems, what is your solution? BE SPECIFIC.

2:36 PM  

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