Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Ahem, is this thing on?

Welcome to the Cranky Citizen Open Mike!

Just a few things I would to re-write (since Blogger ate the original post. Blogger sucks ass.)

1. Glenn Greenwald , as usual, brings the smackdown on Denny. And I have no problem with that. It is really breathtaking to watch the GOP'ers turn on each other. Denny will have a shiv in him by Monday.

2. I listened to Steve Inskeep interview John Yoo on NPR this morning . (Just writing his name made me throw up a little. Yoo, I mean.) Credit to Inskeep for doing a better job than most reporters would have in calling Yoo on his bullshit.

Yoo threw out this little gem: he said that one reason we couldn't grant enemy combatants habeas corpus was because of the cost.

It was at that point that I nearly sailed off the road into a vineyard. (Carneros pinot noir I think.)

To his credit, Inskeep said (I paraphrase): "Wait a minute. Do you mean to tell me that we can't grant detainees the right to challenge their detention because it would be too expensive?"

Yoo said well, yes, the number of petitions ties up the courts and they do have a cost. So yes.

Un. Fucking. Believable.

We're spending eight billion dollars a months in Iraq, John. I think we can afford it. Go sell crazy somewhere else.

3. Wanted to pay respects on the passing of R.W. "Johnny" Apple , a character and one of the great reporters/analysts at the once-great-now-much-less-so New York Times.


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